Quotations Policy


Action Martial Arts Quotations Policy as at Feb 2018

Volume Discounts:

The Action Martial Arts Website is designed to automatically issue generous discounts based on the value of the shopping cart at time of order. These discounts are as follows:

Min Cart Value                                 Automatic Discount

$150 – $249                                         10%

$250 – $349                                         15%

$350 – $500                                         20%

$500+                                                    25%

Loyalty Discounts:

On request we also consider applying 20% discounts for instructors buying for their clubs on a regular basis to reflect our appreciation of their loyalty. These discounts are regardless of order size.

Volume and loyalty discounts are not cumulative.

Significant Purchase:

Where a club wishes to make a significantly large purchase outside these parameters we can negotiate separately for a transaction outside the Action website shop.
Often such a purchase is for Dojo/Dojang Mats

The following schedule will apply to Mats:

Mat Single Order Qty                     Applicable Discount (ex warehouse)

50 Mats +                                            30%

75 Mats +                                            32.5%

100 Mats +                                          35%

200 Mats +                                          40%

Mats can be collected or we can quote freight separately.

As with any order, funds must be visible in our bank account well in advance of collection/despatch.

We greatly appreciate your valued business