Traditional Bujinkan ninjutsu for self defence. Training consists of both armed and unarmed combat and is non competitive. Please phone or email for more information. Friendly, with small class sizes.
Authentic training in all body/mind/spirit aspects of ancient Budo Taijutsu and Ninpo Taijutsu
Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu/Ninjutsu. Authentic Japanese Combat Martial Arts under the Bujinkan Umbrella.
System comprises of six Bujutsu Samurai Schools, and three Ninpo/Ninjutsu Schools.
Training consists of traditional and modern applications and encompasses the following:
Situational Awareness, Self Defence, Protecting Others, Weapons training- Application, Defence and Retention
Strategy & Tactics, Escape & Concealment, Body Conditioning. Training is dynamic and progressive. You will learn the following Martial Skills: Striking, Grappling, Pressure Points, Ground Work, Joint Immobilisation and Vascular Restraint Techniques.